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Hey, I'm Luis Open To Work

+5 year of experience. Fullstack Ruby On Rails Developer. From Colombia to the World. Experience in different cloud providers such as Heroku, AWS, and Digital Ocean as well as in CI/CD with Github Actions and Jenkins.


  1. Senior Software Engineer − Vascar Solutions

    ● Develop new backend functionalities for a Ruby on rails app providing maintainable code and best practices. ● Maintained the code repository with best practices in backend deployment. ● Created a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins for API deployment with Slack notification of status. ● Refactor code and DB queries for the business logic improving the API response time by 25%.

  2. Software Engineer II − Wizeline

    ● Develop projects with different clients using multiple technologies emphasizing optimizing and delivering quality projects. ● Improvement of internal projects being carried out in the company using their respective technology stack. ● Led as a mentor in the Ruby On Rails apprenticeship program with more than 20 interns. ● Delivered an MVP project name WizeQ with new features such as: Google Tone Detector and Similar Questions Detector.

  3. Software Developer − Ideaware

    ● Developed the A/B testing feature within a new functionality to the user segmentation platform. ● Implemented the unsubscribe functionality for emails where users made subscriptions to the quizzes performed. ● Integrated different ESP providers such as Drip, Intercom into the platform to allow users to send their user data to these external services. ● Implemented Sidekiq to run automatic jobs to calculate information that customers need regarding analytics.

  4. Software Developer − Opensky Consultores S.A.S

    ● Provided support as technical leader to new features and bugs of a social network developed in Ruby On Rails Kubera. ● Managed the project of refactoring the Kubera platform, leading a team of 3 people. ● Designed and executed a mobile application developed in Ionic in Beta state to perform preliminary phases of Kubera adoption. ● Designed and implemented BPMN process automation in cloud platforms using javascript for different projects at the national and international levels.


California Bookings - A website for booking music rooms

Created from scratch with Ruby on Rails. It's a website for booking music rooms. It has a calendar, data export, email integration(Sendgrid) and a user management system.

  • Ruby - Rails
Captura de pantalla del proyecto /projects/BookingWebCalendar.png

Extinguiser Control - A website for managing fire extinguishers

Created from scratch with Ruby on Rails. It's a website for managing fire extinguishers. It has a user management system, QR code generation, data export and dashboard.

  • Ruby - Rails
Captura de pantalla del proyecto /projects/extinguishercontrol.png